Next Distance Swim - 17th December 2024
1. Listen to lane recorder when they are giving instructions.
2. Keep to the sides of the pool section and only use middle of pool section for over taking.
3. Stopping early and walking to the end to shout number can result in disqualification.
4. Any contact with pool floor during the distance swim can also lead to disqualification.
5. Pupils must swim a recognised stroke on all distances over 200 metres
6. Lane recorders and poolside swim leaders have the right to end the distance swim of a participant if a
parent interrupts them during the swim.
7. The distance calculated during the swim will be the distance awarded.
Information about the Distance Swims
A long distance swim occurs once a year usually the week before christmas. Please check our
timetable on this website for the next scheduled long distance swim. During a long distance swim
our pupils can swim with us for over 1 hour, up to 3 hours continuously.
These are aimed at pupils in Shark 1, 2 & 3, Water Safety Bronze, Silver or Gold Challenge.
Our pupils must be on the poolside before 18:30 if they wish to take part in the long distance swim.
A short distance swim occurs twice during the year. Please check our timetable on this wensite for
the next scheduled short distance swim. These are aimed at at pupils in Goldfish 1 and above and
our faster swimmers can achieve 1 Mile on these evenings. Short distances are at 6:30pm and
longer distances are at 7pm.
Please remember that if your child has eaten a meal within one hour of their start time of
the distance swim then please do not let them swim. This is to save huge embarrassment if your
child is violently sick in the pool. So please remember to give your child a one hour rest
period before starting a distance Swim.
STA Distance Awards
This Information is based on the Farnborough 33 metre Pool
One badge, with certificate - free
Additional badges with certificates, up to distance swum, £ 2.00 each
5 metres - badge and certificate
10 metres - badge and certificate - Up to the steps
15 metres - badge and certificate
20 metres - badge and certificate
25 metres - badge and certificate
50 metres - badge and certificate - 1.5 Lengths
75 metres - badge and certificate
100 metres - Badge and certificate - 3 Lengths
Distances over 100 Metres should be a recognisable competition stroke or a combination of strokes.
200 metres - badge and certificate - 6 Lengths (or 6 Circuits)
400 metres - badge and certificate - 12 Lengths
600 metres - badge and certificate - 18 Lengths
800 metres - badge and certificate - 24 Lengths
1000 metres - badge and certificate - 30 Lengths
1500 metres - badge and certificate - 45 Lengths
1 mile - badge and certificate (same as above + 4 more lengths)
2000 metres - badge and certificate - 60 Lengths
5000 metres - badge and certificate - 75 Lengths
3000 metres - badge and certificate - 90 Lengths
4000 metres - badge and certificate - 120 Lengths
5000 metres - badge and certificate - 150 Lengths